Monday, July 13, 2009

Tuesday 7/14/09 - "REACHING OUT"


Alcoholics Anonymous: The Responsibility Declaration:
"I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible."

Al-Anon Declaration

"When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be there, and—Let It Begin With Me."



I blog as a way to clarify in my own mind and express my life experiences past and present.

I blog because when I allow my thoughts and feelings out, it somehow frees my spirit.

I blog because I believe in living the 12th step....carrying the message I have received in Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon to the alcoholic or person affected by alcoholism who still suffers and in practicing these principles in all my affairs which includes sharing them in my blog.

I blog because I have discovered many new friends as I write.

I blog because it is a wonderful way of "REACHING OUT"!

I blog in the hopes that my blog will provide some examples of quality sobriety - both sobriety from alcohol and emotional sobriety.

I blog in the hopes that my blogs will reach as many readers as possible and that God will use it to help others.

I blog because as other bloggers comment it expands my own blog reading world.



On July 10, I received the following email. It was a total surprise. It read in part:

We just posted an article, “
Top 100 Overcoming Addiction Blogs” I thought I'd bring it to your attention in case you think your readers would find it interesting.

I am happy to let you know that your site has been included in this list.

(This publication was put out by the Online Nurse Practitioner Schools website.)
I was surprised, happy, and grateful to my Higher Power for providing me this opportunity to reach a wider readership. This list of addiction blogs is in sections such as "Best Alcoholic Blogs", "Best Drug Addict Blogs", Best Blogs of Those Who Have Addicts in the Family", etc. Some of the blog sites listed I already follow, but there are many more. What a wonderful chance to expand my world.
You might want to take a look.

Quote Today:
"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him." - Booker Washington

Prayer Girl


steveroni said...

I'm getting to where I really REALLY like your blogs, and look forward to them

Please keep writing them. We ALL need each other here...

Tall Kay said...

Hey, that's funny PG. I discovered the web site without the email and wondered if you knew about it. I'm happy to know it's a good thing.

It is a great way to reach out and you touch so many.

Shadow said...

you reach out daily. it's a gift well received by me daily... now to check out that site...

Just Be Real said...

Amen PG. I love the reasons why you Blog! It is amazing how God provided this tool for us in a good way. Grant it, out there in cyberspace, this tool can be used for evil. Always refreshing to see it is used for good.

You are special dear one, thank you for sharing and blogging....


Gin said...

No WAY! That is awesome PG! What an honor! You deserve it! Wow, I am so happy for you I feel like I won the award myself! Funny how emotional we can get for someone else huh? Have a wonderful Monday!

Gin said...

Oh God. It's Tuesday isn't it? No, I haven't been drinking...

Lou said...

You practice step 12 in a way we should all emulate.

I'm grateful to know the hand of AA will always be there should Andrew reach for it.

Maude Lynn said...

That's wonderful, Prayer Girl!

Unknown said...

That is wonderful, just like you. But you know you are one of the best kept secrets on the whole WWW. So I am glad that others are finding out about you now too! I can share...Hugs!

mile191 said...

This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. You really are amazing, I am glad you blog.

I am hosting the blog carnival this month. Come join in if you would like. hugs, mile 191

Zanejabbers said...

Well, isn't that special. Really, I'm happy to be a reader of you both.

Carol said...

I saw your blog listed there and was PROUD to know that you were recognized.

Andrew said...

I'm really not surprised at the list. You are all great!