The deterioration of my life due to alcoholism followed this progression - in this order:
For the next 20 years, I forgot God, stopped looking to Him for guidance and help. I began looking for satisfaction, happiness, and meaning in every other place - in relationships, in excelling in academics, marriage, and children. God was sometimes in the back seat and sometimes not even in the vehicle of my life. This loss of contact with God gradually became a near complete separation.
My recovery occurred
in the reverse order.
Once I stopped drinking for good, my health was gradually restored. I stopped shaking. I no longer put alcohol into my body. I began to sleep, eat, exercise, and participate in normal activities that fostered a return of good health.
As I became healthier and attended Alcoholics Anonymous, my thinking began to straighten out. My mind cleared and I had some self-awareness allowing me to make healthier choices and decisions. My more balanced mind made it possible to ask for and receive help from a sponsor, a trusted counselor, and other recovering friends. I was able to work the 12 steps, restoring me to sanity and helping me learn to live in healthier relationship with others.
As THE result of working the 12 steps I was finally restored to a relationship with God. My new found partnership with God is stronger, deeper, and more vital than the one I had enjoyed as a child.
How grateful I am for the restoration of my life.
Prayer Girl
How grateful I am for the restoration of my life.
Prayer Girl
Looks like I got here first--PG, your blogs, one after another, have gotten better with time. And they usually surprise me. That picture is awesome!
I LOVE this. Have sent a link to my cousin who is seeking sobriety and serenity! I think that she'll really "get" this post!
Reminds me of the poem "footprints in the sand" He was always there with you, carrying you, when you thought he was not there
and you're living proof of these facts (although i've never seen you, i've seen those same changes in myself physically)
This blog says sooooo much PG. Wonderful idea and you executed it perfectly! Have a wonderful Monday.
I think that my mind and spirit have had a real boost since coming into Al-Anon. My body has stayed the same because I have taken care of it. And genetics has played a big role too.
THanks I just needed to hear that today. The way you described is wonderful. Thanks. Tons of hugs across the pond
Excellent way to present this. A great read!
Oh dear PG...you always are such a source of nourishment to those of us who seek it in mind, body and spirit, this post only goes to prove that you are a miracle...thank you so much!
Thanks for this. It reminds me a lot of what I believe. I'm glad now that I recognize, like Kay, that it was the Spirit that carried me all along, that I never really had free-will, I was being carried :)
What a wonderful testimony. You went down into the blackness and returned to God.
God, of course, never let go of you.
Loved this post.
Did you get sober at age 35? That's how old I was.
I think my decline then recovery has been similar too -- I lost faith, I couldn't figure out what to do with my life or who I was, then my liver began to fail, my heartbeat became erratic and my blood was having trouble clotting and although I could barely keep food down, I was bloated because my digestive system could no longer process carbohydrates.
When I got sober, like you, my body got better and the rest has slowly followed. Actually, it took my body some time to heal as well. And my mind and spirit take turns making progress sometimes. I think those will (and should) continue to blossom for the rest of my life.
I'm so glad to be reading your blog regularly! You have such a wonderful, uplifting attitude.
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