To continue my stories:
This happened when I was in my 20s. I was working at the National Institutes of Mental Health on the same grounds as the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. I was part of a team looking at the biochemical basis of various psychiatric disorders such as what was at that time called manic-depression. There were patients on a locked ward, several psychiatrists, and psychology research assistants like me. There was a psychiatrist I did not know personally, knew him only by face and name.
One morning I came to work and rang the bell to be allowed onto the ward where the main office was located. I worked in a laboratory in another part of the building. This particular psychiatrist opened the door to the unit and as I entered, words came out of my mouth that I had not thought of or planned to say. I said to him, "You need to come talk to me." Then I immediately went on about my business. I had no idea why I said this to him and dismissed it as soon as I said it.
Several hours later, this man came to the lab where I was working to talk. He was quite upset and began to tell me of experiences he was having that sounded to me like a psychotic break. I listened, was supportive, and encouraged him to seek help himself and see a psychiatrist. He did. He got help and he later told me he and his family were grateful for the intervention.
I know today that God used me to help him, but at the time and for many years I had no idea how this happened.
While I was working at this same job, I received a number. I did not understand its significance nor did I discover why this number came to my attention. After 40 years, I always identify this as 'my number' and whenever and wherever I see it, I pause and say, "Hi God".
This is how I came to have my number: 141
Three separate occurrences in one day resulted in the number 141 and I was aware of it.
First, I was in the cafeteria of the hospital where I worked to get a snack and the total I owed was $1.41. I paid it.
A little later, I was in the supply store where common items needed by hospital personnel could be purchased. I was in the store to purchase an item and when I went to ring out, the total cost of the item was $1.41.
Later that day I went to the office to order something I needed in the lab that was not carried in our hospital supply store. I was telling the secretary about the strange circumstance of having two purchases of $1.41 each. I told her what I needed to order and left the office. I was in the hall when she called me back. When I returned to the office, she asked me if I knew what the unit cost of what I had asked her to order was and I said, "$1.41?" and she said, "Yes".
Maybe someday I will find out this number has another meaning, but for now it remains a reminder of a loving God who wanted to get and keep my attention. It has worked all my life. He has my attention.
More tomorrow.
Prayer Girl