Thanks so much to all of you who commented on my serialized Flash Fiction Friday 55. It is so much fun and I'm as excited to know what will happen next and how things will develop as you are.
Yesterday was a piece of proof that I can be a "klutz" with little "memory power" at times. There is a step up in one area of the wrap-around porch here and I no sooner came down yesterday morning in flip flops rather than my tennis shoes than I forgot about the step up and walked right into it with my big toe taking the lead in my open-toed shoe. Ouch, darn, #@%**!
The result is as pictured. This toe throbbed like an aching tooth or ear ache all day, all night. Our gracious hostess prayed over my toe and brought an Epsom Salts soak. I wondered if I would be able to sleep, but the bed is so comfortable, like sleeping on a cloud and I had a huge pillow to put the foot up on and I again slept like a baby.
This morning - throbbing gone....thank you God. It's still painful, but not the pounding. Now, I just need to be careful. I'll probably loose the nail. I'm not young and have never had anything like this happen, never lost a nail. Well, maybe it won't happen.
Despite this mishap, the beauty of the woods, clouds, home, animals, total surroundings cannot be dimmed. The experience of making an AA meeting yesterday and another today where my sponsee attends regularly remains as wonderful no matter the mishap. The working of God between myself, my sponsee, and one of her sponsees can not be minimized by any toe problem.
On a walk yesterday before I realized walking in the mountains was no longer on my menu of activities, we took a walk and on the way back saw the little guy (the squirrel) peeking out of the opening where water comes out to turn the wheel on this decorative waterfall out front of the home.
Well - enough for today. I have an 11th step to do with my sponsee, a toe to take care of, an AA meeting to attend, and more beauty to drink in.
God bless all of you.
Prayer Girl
Oooooo! Ohhhhh! Owww!!!!!!!
I learn more about our trip when I read your blog...than I'd ever remember if "left to my own devices".
Ouch PG! Sorry for your nasty boo-boo!
The pictures are breathtaking dear one, even of your poor littl toe.
Blessings and prayers to you.
Ouch and Ooooooo.... pretty!
It's nice to treat the ow with a little beauty and a lot of love and appreciation.
Glad you found that it wasn't too long lasting, praying that it will heal quickly!
I keep dropping things more than usual lately. I think there is something about mindfulness I need to remember.
Thanks for the pics, they show you are having fun!
Ouch...I have banged many a toe on the boat and broken a couple from running.
Enjoy the 11th step. I know that you won't stumble on it.
Poor toe....really--face to face with the first step...
Glad you are having such a great vacation. Missing you here though, lol.
Big ((((((hugs)))))) to you both!
Those pics illustrate that you are right where your feet are...no pun intended...in the now.
I seem to take good health and no pain for granted, until I'm sick or in pain. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for my good health and painlessness (word?) for today! You have left me wanting to hear more about the AA meetings there. Always wanting more... Wishes for a speedy recovery! God bless.
I hope your boo boo is a bit better today. Blessings and hugs!
What a wonderful way to "improve our conscious contact with God" than with "Prayer Girl" and her DH on top of a mountain, in His marvelous creation of nature. Humming birds, rustling leaves, chirping squirrels, mountain views and breezes serenaded us. I guess the black and blue toe was there just to remind us that we are in the real world and He is with us during all trials and tribulations!
I woke up this morning to dark clouds, thunderstorms and rain. I miss the sunshine of my friends company. But they have left me with the lingering light of knowing that everything is just the way it should be.
I love you prayer girl. Your grateful Sponsee……………..
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