Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday, 3/20/09 - "PEACE"


I am looking for an extra measure of
PEACE just now.
These are the thoughts that will bring that added SERENITY.

I am in the peaceful scene above. There is the slightest breeze. There is shade dappled with sunlight. The air is clean, clear, and crisp. There is a fragrance of nature - trees, moss, flowers, water. I can hear a quiet, gentle movement of the water. There is a path leading to the bridge and in a few moments I will be over the water looking out over this scene and breathing slowly in.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28 KJV).

From "24 Hours A Day", May 16-A.A. Thought for the Day:

"Never weary in prayer. When one day you see how unexpectedly your prayer has been answered, then you will deeply regret that you have prayed so little. Prayer changes things for you. Practice praying until your trust in God has become strong. And then pray on, because it has become so much a habit that you need it daily. Keep praying until prayer seems to become communion with God. That is the note on which true times of prayer should end."

From "The Language of Letting Go" by Melody Beattie, March 19:

"Staying Out of the Middle"
"Being a peacemaker does not mean we get in the middle.
We are bearers of peace by staying peaceful ourselves and not harboring turmoil. .......................I will trust others to work out their own affairs, including the ideas and feelings they want to communicate to each other.

Trust God.

All is well.

All is well with me and mine.

All is well with the World.

All is well in God's Universe.

God is in charge.

I am not alone.

From: "Daily Reflections", p.70, March 2:

"Hope is the key that unlocks the door of discouragement. .....It is with others that, with the grace of God and the Fellowship of A.A., I trudge the road of happy destiny. May I always remember that the power within me is far greater than any fear before me. "

I tend to my own acre of recovery. Someone else's acre is off limits to me. I surrender to God's will.

Wait! Be calm! Trust! Be still! Be silent! From these will change come.

From "Hope for Today", March 16:

"When I let go and let God, I'm more apt to find a place of compassion between obsession and indifference, where the serenity of ordered thoughts and emotions lies........When I let go and let God work in my life, the pendulum that swings between the black-and-white of obsession and indifference finds balance in the peaceful colors of serenity."

"And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea,
'Peace, be still'.
And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm"
(Mark 4:39)

Prayer Girl

(Photo credit: mieke)


Syd said...

I wish that we all had that peace. Thanks for sharing those. Have a great Friday.

steveroni said...

Are those on your own 'daily reading list'? That's a lot of "Good Shit"!!
Thanks, PG.

Symphony concert Wednesday night? Nadja Salerno Sonnenberg is the violin soloist. Should be some more
"Good Shit" there, if you can go...