Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, 1/20/09 - "HUNKERED DOWN


I've got the letter "G" to work on, but for right now, I'm just working on getting back to feeling normal. I've been living with a guy with a "real" cold for almost a week now. I've done everything possible to stay cold-free, but, hey, we breathe the same air - the inhale and the exhale part. So....I finally succumbed. I'm hoping mine will be milder and last a shorter time.

In the meantime, I'm taking care of myself. I'm hunkered down like the fella above (though I'm in a nice warm spot.) Just wanted you to know what was happening.

Love you,
Prayer Girl

(Photo credit: Cottontail by Richard B.)


Hope said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Shadow said...

hey! tuck in warm and tight and feel my get well wishes washing all over you.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Praying for a speedy recovery for you and mr. sneeze-a-roni

Syd said...

Hope that you and Rhinovirus-a-roni feel better soon. It's a good excuse though to have some TLC.

mile191 said...

two really nice posts. thanks for sharing. did you try the vicks kleenex. my cousin swears by them. hope you stay well, and your mate gets well. take care.

Unknown said...

I am sending you lots of loving and caring vibes and hope you get to feeling better soon, we'll all be waiting.


steveroni said...

Hey, PG...you got the cold from who? Moowah? And we didn't even kiss for a week. How much fun is THAT?

Hubby (Why is it I dislike that word, it's a god "h" word!)

Shadow said...

when you're feeling better, come and get some lemonade over here... http://gsp-shadow.blogspot.com/2009/01/lemonade-award.html

~Tyra~ said...

Hope you're feeling better!

After you stop by Shadow's, swing by my blog, you're getting another award.

mile191 said...

hope you are feeling well. you got the lemon award. i wanted to say thanks to you for EVERYTHING. so much. i know shadow gave it too you. she is amazing and so kind. thanks for writing. hope you are okay.

Kathy Lynne said...

{{{muffin}}} feel better soon!