- Green is not a favorite color of mine, but I finally found a green Gap pullover to wear for St. Patrick's Day. I never celebrated this day growing up. My mother was anti-Catholic and therefore the celebration of St. Pat's was never followed and the idea of wearing Irish green was never considered. Today I'm Catholic and wearing green :)
- My birth month is May so my birthstone is Emerald - love that green gem.
- My daughter's favorite color is green. She has green eyes.
- Here's a secret about me. I still struggle with the character defect of being 'green' with envy sometimes.
- The most favorite poem I've written is about a 'vast expanse of flame and frenzy bright' - gorgeous flowers in a meadow of lush green grass.
- I miss the Spring and the Fall of my childhood - beautiful green trees and grass in the Spring and the parts of leaves still peeking green as they change color in the Fall.
- My task Saturday morning was to find a green tie for Mr. Steveroni to wear as he played violin at Mass this weekend. I found just the one that had different shades of green in a diamond pattern. He liked it, I liked it, and hopefully it will serve for many St. Patrick's Days to come.
- From About.com re: the color green - Green is a symbol for life - it signifies growth, renewal, health. It is abundant in nature.
- From About.com re: the color green - "Green is a restful color with some of the same calming attributes of blue. Like blue, time moves faster in a green room."
- I love the picture above of the green-eyed beauty with the beautiful green-laced leaf.
Prayer Girl
(Photo Credit: Shades of Autumn by Alison Greenwood)
Ya know, I'm really beginning to like--enjoy--blogs now and then, which are about literally...well, about nothing!
Reminiscent of Seinfeld???
Great post PG!
Green is also the symbolic colour of hope, which is why blog is green. I like green.
this is so wonderful. i too love green, and one of my son's has green eyes. i just love being with him...thanks for sharing. i miss you. always good for me when I stop by. hugs.
interesting green stuff. i like green, i've always associated it with nature (duh???) and growth and life.
I feel serentity having read about Green this morning :)
Thank you!!! (((HUGS)))
Sounds like "Green is IN". Green is the last name of that fellow (Bruce) who 12-Stepped me one month before I came into AA. I did not know him.
33 years later, he did not know me (Alzheimer's) but thought I was a "new guy". So he stayed after the meeting to get me a Big Book, etc.
There is a street here named after Bruce Green (Green Blvd)....
Wow, now I really love the color green, your post is inspirational in its devotion and understanding of green! Thank you!!!!
i like this side of you. so nice. i just posted and wrote something for Thankful Thursday, and I thought of you...because of the Green...and your lovely post here. I know I have already been by...but here I am again. Have a happy day...mile 191
Great post and Photo to begin a great new week!
Green is growth to me. New growth. It's a great color. Thanks for this post.
Steve, I don't understand the green thing either, but if PG is doing it, it must be profound.
Or maybe she just wanted to slip birthday and emeralds into the same post.
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