Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thursday 12/31/09 - "2009 AND ME"

"2009 AND ME"

It is good. In fact, it is very good that I should pause, sit silently, and reflect on the year that will be closing itself tomorrow night. It has been a year of intense emotion; very high and very low.

My son, at the age of 38, married. What a beautiful day for a mother. There was the wedding shower for the bride at Bahama Breeze in Tampa. It was the first time I had met her mother and sister as well as her friends. Then at the beginning of April was the wedding. They planned a very casual, fun event. Groom and groomsmen were all dressed in Tommy Bahama attire. The day was gorgeous as was the bride. Daughter made a beautiful bridesmaid. High emotion for sure.

There were happenings in extended family that brought much sadness to my heart. It is so sad to watch unnecessary pain, suffering, and chaos in the lives of people I love. I am reminded by Al-Anon that I am powerless over other peoples' lives. Low emotion for sure.

This year has also brought profound changes in some of my relationships - changes that have left me bewildered. These changes have, however, served to reinforce for me the belief that God is in charge and if I trust and practice faith, eventually all will be well. Low and high emotion.

2009 has brought me many opportunities to practice what I learned from my parish priest a few years ago, 1. God has His purposes (and they are usually none of my business), 2. It is not about me, and 3. Don't limit God.
My pastoral care visits have been a blessing to me. These 3 guidelines also serve me well in all my relationships, in all my affairs. High emotion.

The year 2009 brought the fear and agony of watching a loved one struggle with addiction. It has reminded me again of the power of alcohol and the powerlessness of an alcoholic where alcohol is concerned. Low emotion.

It also brought the joy and wonder of watching the action of God at work producing the miracle of sobriety. Very high emotion.

I long for peace, serenity, silence in my heart, the rush of angels wings in the breezes that blow through my life.

I find myself looking forward to 2010 and wondering what surprises God has in store. I pray that God will give me the power to help others and care for myself.

Wishing you a safe transition from 2009 into the anticipation of blessings in 2010.

Prayer Girl


Andrea said...

Blessings and prayers, andrea

Brian Miller said...

here's to hoping 2010 is a year of many miracles...

Anonymous said...

Happy new year.

Shadow said...

reflections of the year gone past. happy new year to you steve, and i look forward to hearing from you as it goes...

Just Be Real said...

Whoo hoo--- Dear one to you and Stevie, have a wonderful welcoming of the new year!

Mike said...

I hope that the coming year brings you happiness! Judging by what I have read over the past month, I think that you are on a great path!

Happy New Year!

Enchanted Oak said...

It is so much a blessing to be able to look forward with anticipation to the surprises God has in store. I remember when I looked forward with dread, when life was a chair of bowlies instead of a bowl of cherries. Sobriety has changed everything in my outlook, and yours. God bless.

Anonymous said...

I really like what your parish priest taught you....

1. God has His purposes (and they are usually none of my business),
2. It is not about me, and
3. Don't limit God.

I am praying for more faith to trust God more....

Thanks for sharing those gems.


Unknown said...

I am grateful that people like you listen to your inner Guide and find your gifts and share them. Peace to you this coming day at a time.


Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

God bless you and all whom you love this coming year and thank God that I have been able to witness highs and lows in emotions and beauty of life blooming beautifully in the midst! :)

Happy New Year!

Akannie said...

Happy New Year, dear one.

Let's walk into this new year together, shall we??

Thanks for all you are and all you do...


wolfie185 said...

I like what your priest told you and find it has been very true for me this year whether I practiced it or not.

I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you and your family.


Wanda's Wings said...

Isn't good to know that God is there for the good and bad times. Happy New Year.

Paula said...

Wishing you acontent and cheerful 2010. Hugs form Munich

Unknown said...

What a brilliant and honest post, it is such an honor to blog in the same universe and to read your words, they inspire, they remind, the teach and they give me pause...thank you!!

Much love in 2010 as I shared with Steve a huge honor this year was meeting you!!!


Lou said...

PG, I really appreciate how you always stay on message--during the highs, and during the lows. You always remind me the constant in life is our loving God.

Just for today, we know our children are safe and sober. Happy New Year!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love reading your post. there is a strength you have the inspires me. I want to wish you the happiest new year ever. Sarah

Christina said...

Dear PG,

As always a lovely serene posting from you. I thank you for supporting my blog, you and your wonderful Steve-eroni! Blessings to you both for a grand, blissful 2010.

new blog here


Lisa said...

Wishing you a healthy, happy, blessed, and safe New Year.

Cool photos!

Tall Kay said...

I know I'm really late, but this got me choked up...the highs and the lows of life. Happy New Year!