Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday 11/2/09 - "THINKING OF SILENCE"


Tonight I am thinking of silence and it is bringing peace and calm. I am thankful that a dear Al-Anon friend gave me this reminder recently when she heard about the changes coming in my life. She told me to remember to take a 15 minute break, a rest, anytime I feel like I need a moment of renewal.

I am grateful for Mother Teresa's beautiful words that brought to my heart the awareness of the holiness of silence. I have quoted this before, but I never tire of repeating it.

"In silence He listens to us; in silence He speaks to our souls. In silence we are granted the privilege of listening to His voice.
Silence of our eyes.
Silence of our ears.
Silence of our mouths.
Silence of our minds. the silence of the heart God will speak."
---Mother Teresa from "No Greater Love"

I thank God that just for today I was able to bring my mind back into the moment and focus on where my feet were when my mind wandered to the dead and gone past or the 'may never happen' future. This is a miracle for me.

I am surprised and happy that I was able to cram so much into this first Sunday of the end of daylight savings time. I was awake and up long enough to say good morning to hubby, daughter, doggy, and kitty before taking off to my favorite Starbucks. I got my double tall, extra hot, skinny vanilla latte to sip during my home group Al-Anon meeting. After the meeting, it was a stop at the grocery store, home to make lunch for all of us, and a trip to Target and the local shopping mall. Once home we had dog needs to attend to and then I made dinner. We had pork tenderloin on our George Foreman Grill (one of my favorites), some of the freshest and sweetest corn on the cob, and baked potato. It was after doing the dishes that I remembered to go lie down and rest. And that brings me to this post and my gratitude for the level of energy I was able to maintain to accomplish all the happenings of this day.

Tomorrow, Monday, I'll be back to volunteering at the hospital. I didn't go last Monday. Daughter had just arrived and it was her birthday (a very emotional time). I feel ready to return tomorrow.

I have had a few new readers stop by my blog and leave comments or become followers and this makes me very happy. And I am always filled with joy when I hear from you bloggers that I have come to know as friends.

Love and prayers to all my blogger friends.

Prayer Girl


Akannie said...

Please do take good care of yourself, my friend. I know just what you mean...

Prayers and blessings for you...

Love, Annie

DreamDancer said...

It's always a pleasure to hear from you as well, PG. Hope your Monday is pleasant and peaceful. God bless! By the way, I loveeee pork loin on the grill, yum!

Just Be Real said...

Wonderful post that I needed to read this morning to be silent and let my Lord speak. Glad you will be back to volunteering. Always nice to have new visitors to one's site! Blessings dear one....

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Thank you for sharing the silence... I sometimes lose sight of how far you can get from pure meditation in such a short time.

Back to the quiet of God's world.

steveroni said...

Shhhhhhhhh! I'm meditating!

Shadow said...

hubbys, daughters, doggies, kitties, vanilla lattes, malls, a rest and gratitude... you are speaking the language of love and peace here...

Tall Kay said...

Silence is golden! Amidst all the busy happenings in your life today, you sound very peaceful. Thank you for the reminder to stop and seek silence sometime in my busy schedule. I always seem to have a much better day when I do!

steveroni said...


Peace and Calm are my obsessions today.

They are not bad per se, but if I do NOT go out NOW and mow the yard and cut back some bushes--in the name of "peace and calm", they can be a source of sloth. For ME, that is!


wolfie185 said...

Thanks for another wonderful post PG and the word from Mother Teresa, I don't think I have read them before. Taking time for silence is very important for me and others.

Brian Miller said...

taking those few brief moments of silence...a hard discipline, but makes all the difference...listening...

Nikki (Sarah) said...

You are the absolute best PG. Your spirit is incredible. It's gentle. Tons of blessings to you. Sarah

Syd said...

It sounds as if you had a great day. I'm glad for that PG. Take care.

Anonymous said...

That's what i need to do is be silence. I'm a do er , I feel like if i don't do it it want get done

Anonymous said...

love reading what you write. we need to take time for ourself as well. I am glad you write with happiness.

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
Mother Teresa