It lurks close, but unseen, its voracious appetite growing stronger, more pressing with every instant, patiently awaiting the prey's next unguarded moment.
The object of its interest has completely underestimated the nature of the predator.
Or maybe the victim is ignoring, denying the extreme danger.
She reaches for the wine glass as a mother prays.
Prayer Girl
Flash Fiction Friday 55
is a story written in exactly 55 words.
Let the G-Man know if you write one
and read the ones of your fellow writers.
23 hours ago
Wow! Great 55, I so get it. jeNN
So true.
Very powerful and moving 55 once again Prayer Girl.
Excellent job!
You sure can deliver a message.
Thanks for visiting, thanks for playing, and have a Wonderful Week-End...G
Oh, this is good...
Mine's up ~ HERE
great ending!! I love this 55!! mine is up too
I get it too! Great!
This really says it all PG. God bless you and thanks for another amazing 55 post!
Dang what power in so few of words!!!! I relate completely.
Wow is right!
Brought tears to my eyes as the memories flowed. Thank you. Thank you.
My 55 is done and posted here.
Have a great weekend.
Chef Kar
Powerful 55 PG. Blessings!
My 55 is posted...Elvis LIVES! Come join me if you can. And as always, scroll down below my Show n Tell Friday.
You'll find it HERE
that last line knocked me sideways. well written!!!
PG - Fabulous 55!
So many forget.
It's one day at a time.
Well written 55
Mine is posted
Thanks Anna. I never thought of alcoholism as predatory but it is.
Powerful 55! I'm sure there are a lot of mothers praying right now... :( Let's hope some of those prayers are answered!
I almost missed this one! "Excellent message" says this praying mom.
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