I left this morning early to run errands, go to a noon women's Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and then to the gym. When I finally got back home, I walked into a home with news I did not want to hear. We had been "off line", without internet since shortly after I left. :(
It is 11:00 p.m. now and we are finally back "on line" as of just a few minutes ago. Hurray! :)
It's too late for me to write anything that makes much sense. I just wanted you to know why I hadn't been commenting today. I did get a few in before I left.
Tomorrow morning I begin my day with a visit to a sponsee and we will be working the first step in Al-Anon using "Paths to Recovery". I am setting the stage right now for this meeting tomorrow - asking God to prepare both of us and to be present as we talk.
It's supposed to be pretty cold tonight, low about 41, so I'm grateful we have our nice warm comforter on the bed. It never gets too cold here in Southwest Florida, but tonight will be one of those unusual nights. We have had more of those kind of super cold snaps this winter than I can remember having in a long time.
I admit there was a feeling of loss, of things not being quite right when I was internet-less. However, now I expect to have my internet uninterrupted once again. I am happy and grateful.
Peace and love to you all.
Prayer Girl
(Photo credit: Internet Love by Roaguewolf@deviantart.com)
23 hours ago
The few times I have had internet problems, after a really healthy hissy fit, I realized how silly I was being and got back to basics. Like you, it is gratitude that gets me back and focused. But boy, do I like to whine sometimes... :-D
yeah i feel the same...we dont have net at the house so i have to pinc it in where i can...
I hate it when our internet goes out.
Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.
Hugs, andrea
Glad you're back "on the [digital] beam!!!"
Hope the meetings go well and that you stay warm and snuggly under the comforter!
Oh, being without the link, the connection, the network of the Blog friends...Like being in an AA meeting without being about to talk with anyone. I'm glad you're in the loop again. I really love your comments.
I wonder what we did before internet. I think that I spent more time reading books and talking to my wife. Sometimes it is nice not to have it.
I'm glad your internet is back. Good luck with your new endeavor.
Great photo, good to stop by and visit!
Sending best wishes that your connection stays strong (and that your internet cooperates).
Mine’s here.
I hope tomorrow goes well. It's very cold here in Texas; sleeted on me on the way home. I, too, am happy for a comforter.
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