Playing alone in the rock garden she placed dandelions into a small bowl followed by hydrangea petals, grass, moss and water.

Using a small rock she began to mash this pretend mixture into a magic healing medicine.
She was 4.
The seeds of her healing gift that would emerge 56 years later were being nourished.

Prayer Girl
(Photo credits:
Rock Garden in Spring by lamsquaw@deviantart.com
dandelion by matejzerjal@deviantart.com
Hydrangea by RandomRia@deviantart.com)
Flash Fiction Friday 55 is hosted by G-Man.
smiles. and we are glad she found that touch...smiles. all begins in the hearts of kids....nice 55.
Sounds like Love Potion #55...
Loved your story PG.
Anybody we know?
You Rock Like The Rock of Ages!
Thank you as always for the positive loving message, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
How beautiful.
What a great 55. I just love happy endings. Thanks for stopping by my 55. Keep coming back. I know I will.
beautiful words,
your images are always refreshing!
love your 55.
Very nice. I love the picture. I've always wanted to have a rock garden.
55 Flash Fiction Friday: Time Out
Funny how long we wait sometimes for things to come to frution. When love is involved things always do.
beautiful, i am in awe of you 55'ers!
Great "55"...biographical. Mine is HERE
Memories of a childhood spent in the rock pools by the North Sea here in Yorkshire, UK.
Who knows what action will heal and when! To hear or read my Friday 55 click here
amazing memory, great 55
a lovely 55 - awesome pics as well... thank you!
This struck me straight in the heart, PG. In the final line, I breathed a sigh of joy for that little girl, that person writing the remembrance, everything. You touched me big time.
Mine is here
I also remember doing 'magic spells' when I was little.
What a fun 55!
the innocense of youth and its healing magic. beautiful pictures!
What a lovely 55. Sometimes, it takes a long time for a hidden talent to emerge.
So much peace reading this.
Wonderful words and photos. I think I've been there.
Mine's here
I love this!
Beautiful photo's and love the healing mixture, nice that the dream came to pass. A good sign it was the right potion.
Magically 55er,
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