Saturday, May 23, 2009


(Path to the future)


My post today is dedicated to all who are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, unable to cope, feeling like they are near the end of the rope, wanting to give up, worthless, confused, powerless.

I have 'been there and done that'. I used to live there, it was my basic life position. Then......I found recovery. I have been in recovery for a lot of years and I no longer live in that negative place, but I can return there IF I don't continue to work on enriching the soil of my life. I can return to that arid, parched, and fruitless ground.

This morning I read some passages that reminded me of the work and the time that it took for me to change, to become happy, joyous, and free, and to develop a new outlook on life.

Some excerpts:

"Do not ask for love unless you're ready to be healed enough to give and receive love.

Do not ask for joy unless you're ready to feel and release your pain, so you can feel joy.

Do not ask for success unless you're ready to conquer the behaviors that would sabotage success.

All good things are ours for the asking. But first, groundwork - preparation work - must be done.

A gardener would not plant seeds unless the ground was adequately prepared to nurture and nourish those seeds. The planting would be wasted effort. It would be wasted effort for us to get what we wanted before we were ready.

Next we let go of the old "programming" - the behaviors and beliefs that interfere with nurturing and nourishing the good. Many of us have strong sabotaging programs, learned from childhood, that need to be released. We may need to "act as if" for a while until the belief that we deserve the good becomes real.

We combine this process with much letting go, while we are being changed at the core.

Good things are ours for the asking, if we are willing to participate in the work of groundbreaking. Work and wait.

Today, God, give me the courage to identify the good I want in my life and to ask for it. Give me also the faith and stamina I need to go through the work that must be accomplished first."

(From: "The Language of Letting Go" by Melody Beattie, "Times of Reprogramming" May 22, pp. 140 & 141.)

Hope - there is plenty of hope. I found mine in Alcoholics Anonymous and then when I was filled with it, I found an even greater measure in Al-Anon.

The PATH to my POSITIVE FUTURE is filled with the twelve steps, my fellow recovering friends, the meetings I attend, my sponsors, God, and PLENTY of PRAYER.
Don't despair. Don't give up. Keep trudging the road to your happy destiny. It is there if you keep tilling the soil of your life. You will find it.

Peace and hope,

Prayer Girl


Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

I love reading posts like this!

Gin said...

Thank you for the reminder Prayer Girl. I needed this today.

steveroni said...

How very appropriate! And somewhere down in your post, you use one of my "favorite" words...CONTINUE.

Carol said...

I read that too. One of those days this week she also wrote to not be ashamed of your need as it is the first step toward the solution. It's such a journey for me to know that I can accept my feelings as valid.

Shadow said...

thank you!

Maude Lynn said...

"It would be wasted effort for us to get what we wanted before we were ready."

Thank you so much for sharing this!

Just Be Real said...

PG this is totally wonderful. I certainly do need to be reminded that what I am feeling is a-okay and that I need to lay the ground work ahead!!!!

Carol said...

Enriching the soil of my life, I love it. Adding 'the stinky stuff' helps!