Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday, 3/1/09 - A GRATEFUL PRAYER GIRL!


Tonight I am living in the now and am full of gratitude.

I am grateful for a safe trip from my home to Tampa and back and all the driving in traffic-congested Tampa without any mishaps this weekend.

I am grateful to have spent the weekend with my daughter and her boyfriend in their home. They made me feel so welcome and comfortable.

I am grateful to have seen my son when he delivered his bride-to-be (M) to her surprise bridal shower on Saturday.

I am grateful to have seen my daughter-in-law-to-be at the shower, to see her surprise, to see her smiling (which she does a lot) to see her enjoying herself, and to meet her mother who flew in from Arizona for the party.

I am grateful to have met M's mother and get to know her a little before the wedding. I look forward to meeting M's dad at the wedding.

I am so grateful to have gone to Mass this morning. The Spirit was present and very strong and was a blessing for me. I was also blessed with hearing the choir director on piano and Mr. Steveroni on Violin playing "Moonlight Sonata". The music took me to heaven.

I am ever grateful for Mr. Steveroni, my hubby.

I am grateful that despite some of the overeating I did this weekend, I am still motivated to keep exercising and will do so tomorrow.

I am grateful for my sponsees. I feel so strongly that they are such precious gifts from God.

I am grateful for yet another cold snap arriving today that will be around for a day or two. It won't be long before we're into the 90s.

I am grateful that just for today I am not experiencing any anxiety or stress.

I am grateful for my sobriety and all that it has allowed me to experience and pass on.

I am grateful for Zane's right eye and improving left eye.

I am grateful for Mary Christine's blog today.

I am grateful that I am still motivated to volunteer in the hospital. I feel God is blessing me in ways I am unaware of as I visit patients.

I am grateful that my son has met the right girl for him. In this world, that is a true gift from God.

I am grateful for Steve's kitty Bert, daughter's new puppy, Lucky, and my son's ailing dog, Sebastian and new dog, Madison. I pray that Madison will stop being aggressive with Sebastian and that they will both be able to live together in a loving atmosphere.

Prayer Girl

(Photo credit: Blessing of Rain by RevMac)


steveroni said...

Yep! Gratitude ALWAYS 'gets' me...

Shadow said...

wow, your list was soooo soothing.

Syd said...

I'm grateful for you today. Thanks PG.

Wait. What? said...

PG I love reading your postings - I always leave feeling calm.

Zanejabbers said...

I'm grateful for your post today. Love the picture of the dafodils.